Fits a proportional hazard model to right-censored failure time model (survival data), and can include covariates. Not available if you specify a continuous response (Y), or multiple ordinal responses, or an nominal response. Select for a model with a single ordinal response; does an ordinal logistic regression. Not available if you specify a continuous response (Y), or multiple nominal responses, or an ordinal response. Select for a model with a single nominal response; does an nominal logistic regression Not available if you specify a nominal or ordinal response (Y). Experimental fitting process for optimizing both means and variances. Not available if you specify a nominal or ordinal response (Y). Select for a model with more than one continuous response and any effects; does multivariate tests, profile plots, and custom tests Not available if you specify a nominal or ordinal response (Y). Select for a model with a continuous response and any effects; Effects, levels and combinations of levels are entered or removed from the model according to significance Not available if you specify a nominal or ordinal response (Y). Select for models with one or more interval responses; does least squares fits with features appropriate for analyzing designed experiments. Not available if you specify a nominal or ordinal response (Y). Select for a standard least squares analysis. The response is interval and the model can have any effects. Saves the Jackknifed Mahalanobis distances as a column in the data table. Note: You can select this command repeatedly, creating multiple new columns. Saves the Mahalanobis distances as a column in the data table. Note: You can select this command repeatedly, creating multiple new columns. Select to remove the Jackknifed outlier distance plot from the report window. Computes Jackknifed Mahalanobis distances and generates the outlier distance plot. Each distance is computed using means, std deviations, and correlations that do not include the value itself Select to remove the outlier distance plot from the report window. Computes Mahalanobis distances and generates the outlier distance plot. This is a plot of the distance (Y) by the row number of the observation. Select this if you want the runs listed in random order Select this if you want the table of runs listed with groups in random order, but the runs within groups listed in the order they are created Select if you want the table of runs to be listed in the order they are created. Select the Alpha level you want from the pop-up menu Check to remove the unequal variances table from the report. Computes 4 tests for comparing group variances: O'Brien's , Brown-Forsythe, Levine's, and Bartlett's, and the Welch Anova table. If variances are not equal, the Welch Anova should be used instead of the standard Anova. Select to remove the Van der Waerden test from the nonparametric report. Computes Van der Waerden rank scores tests. It is the most powerful rank test for errors with normal distributions. Select to remove the Median test from the nonparametric report. Computes median rank scores tests; ranks are 1 is above median and 0 if below. It is the most powerful rank test for errors with doubly exponental distributions. Select to remove the Wilcoxon test from the nonparametric report. Computes the Wilcoxon test (Mann-Whitney U, or called Kruskal-Wallis if more than 2 groups); compares the rank scores of the groups. Select to remove Dunnett's tests from the Multiple Comparisons table. Select the Comparison Circles command in the display menu to remove the comparison circles. Computes Dunnett's multiple comparison test, which compares each mean against a control group mean you specify. This automatically activates the corresponding comparison circles display. Select to remove Hsu's MCB tests from the Multiple Comparisons table. Select the Comparison Circles command in the display menu to remove the comparison circles. Computes Hsu's MCB test, which compares each mean to the maximum group mean or the minimum group mean. This automatically activates the corresponding comparison circles display. Select to remove the Tukey-Kramer comparisons from the multiple Comparisons table. Select the Comparison Circles display option to remove the circles. Computes a Tukey-Kramer test, sized for all differences among means. This is an exact alpha level test if sample sizes are the same and conservative if they are different. This automatically show its comparison circles. Select to remove the individual pairwise comparisons from the multiple Comparisons table. Select the Comparison Circles display option to remove the circles. Computes individual pairwise comparisons of groups using Student's t tests, giving no protection across inferences. The corresponding comparison circles automatically activate. Select to close the Means and Std Deviations table. Also select the Means Dots, Error Bars and the Std Dev Lines commands in the Display pop-up to hide the Means Dots and std dev lines showing on the scatterplot. Select to see the Means and Std Deviations table. This automatically selects the Means Dots, Error Bars and the Std Dev Lines commands in the Display pop-up menu. Select to close the Summary of Fit, Analysis of Variance, and Means for Oneway Anova table. Also select the Means Diamonds command in the Display pop-up to hide the Means Diamonds showing on the scatterplot. Select to see rsquare, adjusted rsquare, RMSE, Mean, the standard one-way analysis of variance table, and a Means table that lists the means and Standard Errors for each group, computed with the pooled error variance. Select to close the Quantiles table. Also select the Quantile Box Plot in the Display pop-up to hide the Quantile Box plots showing on the scatterplot. u Lists the minimum, 10%, 25% (lower quartile) 50% (median) 75% (upper quartile) 90 % and maximumn for each group. It automatically displays the quantile plots on each group in the scatterplot. Use these commands to see statistical summaries and tables for a one-way ANOVA. Each summary automatically activates the appropriate display option. Select to remove the Hoeffding D correlations and bar chart from the window